META KAWAII aims to create a brand together with the community, so we want to welcome everyone to participate in creative activities related to META KAWAII. Through those creative activities, it is our wish that you will be able to generate profits, and that both META KAWAII and the community will be able to grow together.

We also believe that owning an NFT is a form of self-expression (digital identity). This License is intended to protect not only the rights of the creator but also the rights and interests of the NFT holder.


Creative activities by individuals and small teams, composed by a small number of individuals, are subject to this license. If your activity is of a company, an organization, or of a certain size then please consult with the META KAWAII team through our support channel in our official Discord.

NFT Holder

You may use the original artwork as material for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

non-NFT Holder

Creation of derivative works are allowed for use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. However, non-NFT Holders are not allowed to use the original artwork as is or as material for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.


The META KAWAII team reserves the right to freely use any works related to META KAWAII (derivative works, merchandise, NFTs, etc...) for promotional purposes.

Prohibited Matters

・Content that damage the image of META KAWAII ・Content that is in violation of public order and morality or is discriminatory. ・Content that condemns other projects ・Content that has little or no creativity that directly copies, scans, and traces NFT artwork(3DCG, image, video, voice, music, etc...). This is not the case if an NFT holder uses NFTs owned by himself/herself. ・Any activities pretending to be official META KAWAII.


If your activities are in compliance with the terms of this License, you are not required to contact us about the use. If you have any questions regarding this License, please contact the META KAWAII team through our Discord Support channel.

This license is based upon the “Megami Art License” created by the Megami Team. We would like to express our gratitude and respect for their generosity, contribution and respect for creators.